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Wednesday, August 6, 2008

A History of Magnets And Their Many Uses - magnetic ball bracelets

(magnetic ball bracelets)

With their many uses, magnets (magnetic ball bracelets) are truly one of the wonders of our world. Learn about the history of magnets and the various ways magnetic technology affects our everyday lives. Magnets (magnetic ball bracelets) have been in use for thousands of years. The first known reference to magnetism dates back to the 4th century B.C.E. from a Chinese literary work called "Book of the Devil Valley Master." In this book, it was written that "lodestone attracts iron to it." Lodestone is a type of magnetite metal with a special crystalline structure that can naturally create a magnetic field (magnetic ball bracelets) , thereby attracting and magnetizing iron. By the 12th century A.D., Chinese sailors were using lodestone rocks as compasses for sea navigation.(magnetic ball bracelets)

At one point in history, it was thought that lodestone could be used to keep the skin looking youthful. In fact, Cleopatra was reported to have slept on a lodestone for many years. The therapeutic reputation of lodestone was passed on to the Greeks, as well, who began using magnets (magnetic ball bracelets) for healing around 2500 B.C.E. Aristotle and Plato frequently wrote of the benefits of lodestones in their works.

Magnets (magnetic ball bracelets) have been used in Chinese medicine since about 2000 B.C.E., in conjunction with reflexology and acupuncture. Magnets (magnetic ball bracelets) are still used today as a first line of treatment for many common complaints. Warm lodestones are often placed strategically on a patient's back because it is believed that they help to align the spirit. Modern day medical science is utilizing magnetism now more than ever: magnetoencephalography (MEG) (magnetic ball bracelets) is used to measure brain activity, and we have been using shock therapy to start a stopped heart for years now. (magnetic ball bracelets)

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